Joining Freemasonry 101

Published On: April 29th, 2016Categories: News

To the public, one the most confusing and mysterious parts of Freemasonry is the process of joining. Because the process is only open to members, it is often assumed that it contains something mystical or inscrutable. For someone looking to join the fraternity, the idea of a becoming a member can be a mix of exhilarating, nerve inducing and self-reflective. In truth, it’s all of those and none of those, at once.

The article “Who Can be a Freemason?” covered the requirements that a person must fulfill in order to become a Freemason. Once a person meets the qualifications, he must obtain a petition for membership. This can be obtained from most Masonic Lodges or directly from a member of the fraternity. The petition is a short form that a man must complete and return to the Lodge. It’s called a “petition” because the man is petitioning the members of the Lodge, asking them to let him become a member. The petition must also be signed by two Master Masons, who become his recommenders to the Lodge.

Once the Lodge receives a petition, it is presented to the members. A committee of three members of the Lodge is then assigned to reach out and talk to the potential member. However, no members of that committee can be one of the petitioner’s recommenders. After the committee gets a chance to chat with the potential new member, they will report back to the Lodge and let the other Brothers know if they are in favor of the man joining the Lodge. As long as the committee reports favorably, a vote will be taken by the members of the Lodge in attendance at that meeting. If the vote is positive, the petitioner will be admitted to membership.

The man will then get a letter from the Lodge, informing him that he has been approved and when and where to report to receive the first degree in Freemasonry. Later, he will receive the second and third degrees. In between each degree, he will also participate in educational opportunities and mentoring sessions. In total, the whole process will take four to six months, depending on how busy the Lodge is and the time of year (as most Lodges in Pennsylvania don’t meet during July and August.)

If you’re interested in becoming a Freemason, check out the “How to Join” page on the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania’s website and complete the form at the bottom to have someone contact you about membership.