
The Genetics of Parkinson’s Disease

Approximately 1% of individuals age 65 and older, and 3% to 5% over age 85, develop Parkinson's disease, a neurogenative disorder that affects dopamine production in the brain. Learn more from Dr. Thomas Tropea, a neurologist, movement disorder specialist and assistant professor of Neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.

January 30, 2020|

Living Heart Healthy

Did you know heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States? It is an equal-opportunity killer which claims over 600,000 million lives annually.

January 27, 2020|

To Combat Winter Joint Pain, Keep Moving

Some people consider winter to be “the most wonderful time of the year." However, for those with chronic joint pain, the season's downward-shifting temperatures can make it the most painful time of the year.

January 11, 2019|

Flu Season: What You Should Know

It's that time of year again ... flu season. Masonic Villages has your flu season survival guide. Keep reading to learn how to stay healthy and avoid the flu this year, as well as protect those around you.

December 3, 2018|

Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Residents

Preventing, monitoring and treating infections is important for all health care facilities to keep one case from turning into dozens and ensuring the comfort of residents. For the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown, protecting 453 residents who reside in the Masonic Health Care Center is a top priority, including reducing a dependency on antibiotics by 10 percent.

July 27, 2018|

How to Avoid Adverse Drug Interactions

While anyone can experience a drug interaction, seniors are often more at risk. Lifestyle changes, consistency and communication with medical professionals can keep you from encountering drug interactions.

January 20, 2018|

Seeing the World through Another’s Eyes

Imagine asking for a drink and being told “no,” or that you already have one. For someone with dementia who lives in a long-term care community, hearing “no” can be confusing and disappointing.

December 6, 2016|
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