Taryn Traxler

About the Author: Taryn Traxler is a nutrition intern with the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown, studying at Pennsylvania State University.

Worldwide, it is estimated that one in three women over age 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures, as will one in five men aged over 50. Osteoporosis affects millions of people each day, but is often only diagnosed only after an injury. Here are a few easy ways to maintain bone health and prevent injuries:

1. Eat foods with calcium and vitamin D

Calcium and vitamin D work together in the body to maintain bone health. Calcium is found in many foods such as milk, broccoli, spinach, kale, almonds and soy. Vitamin D can be produced by the body from UV rays or is found in salmon, vitamin D enriched milk, eggs, shitake mushrooms and enriched cereals.

2. Live a healthy lifestyle

Avoid excessive smoking or drinking alcohol. Both can decrease bone density which increases the risk for bone fractures or injuries. A sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk for injuries, so try to stay active. If standing is difficult, try modified exercises that can be done from a sitting position.

3. Increase strength training exercises

Regular exercise is good, but strength training is the best to maintain bone strength. Try resistance training on an elliptical or working with weights at least three times each week.

4. Prevent indoor and outdoor falls

Colder weather can bring slippery sidewalks. Try to walk on grass if sidewalks are icy, and use a cane or walker for added support. When inside, use hand rails for guidance and make sure floors are clear of any clutter.

5. Practice Increasing Balance

While holding onto a chair or counter top for support, practice standing on one leg for one minute. Keep increasing the time slowly with practice. Yoga can also be a great activity to increase balance and strength at the same time.

